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CPP Alumni Mentiorship Program Kick Off


Mission Statement

The Cal Poly Pomona American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter (CPP ASCE) Mentorship Program pairs soon graduating college students with professionals and experienced engineers to best enhance and guide the young professional’s career and maximize their potential.

Vision Statement

The Vision of the CPP ASCE Mentorship Program is to provide invaluable guidance to students to establish and attain their goals while providing a meaningful opportunity to experienced engineers to contribute to the Civil Engineering community.

Mentoring Process

The Mentoring Process is designed to begin and end within a six month period. The program consists of the following activities:

  • Mentor and Mentee Sign Ups

  • Pairing of Mentees with a Mentor

  • Mentors and Mentees to meet on their own

  • Program Kick-Off Event

  • Participants will be encouraged to attend other CPP ASCE Events


Students and Alumni interested in becoming either mentors or mentees are asked to complete program forms by CPP ASCE. Enrollment is limited to, and at the discretion of the Mentorship Committee. There are limited opportunities available to participate and not all applicants may be selected to participate.

Pairing Process

Following enrollment, the Mentorship Committee will begin the pairing process based on the choices provided by each mentor and mentee participant. The pairs will be made based on several criteria such as program goals, career discipline, development interest, and personality. The committee will make an effort to pair individuals with their choices, however, no guarantees will be made.

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities for mentors and mentee will be unique to every relationship. The goals set between each mentor and mentee will serve as a guide for their relationship. The following should be considered between mentorship pairs:

  • Desired outcome and goals of this mentoring relationship.

  • Determination of communication techniques. Multiple and effective means of keeping in touch.

  • Setting time aside to have an effective relationship outside of scheduled events.

  • How often do we meet? Where or how will we meet?


Sign Up

Interested in signing up to be a mentor or mentee? ​​

Alumni Mentorship Program: About
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